How do I set up an email account in Outlook Express?

Our control panel will provide your Auto Outlook Configuration with few clicks. Additionally, here're the steps :

  • Open Outlook Express by double-clicking the Outlook Express icon on your desktop.
  • The first time you start Outlook Express the Internet Connection Wizard will run. Select Create a new Internet mail account and click Next to continue.
  • On the Your Name screen type in your name as you would like it to appear on your outgoing e-mail messages and click Next to continue.
  • Type in your e-mail address on the Internet E-mail Address screen. Click Next to continue.
  • On the E-mail Server Names screen, select POP3 from the drop down list. In the space provided below Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server:, enter Type in as your Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: and click Next to continue.
  • On the Internet Mail Logon screen, type in your VirtualReality user name in the field titled Account name:. Your user name is everything leading up to, but not including the part of your e-mail address. For example, if your e-mail address is, you would enter as your Account name:. In the Password: field, enter in your assigned password. If you do not wish to enter your password every time you check your e-mail, put a check in the box labeled Remember password. Click Next to continue.
  • You have now set up Outlook Express as your e-mail program. Click Finish to begin sending and receiving e-mail.
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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